Meaning Of The Horseshoe In Jewelry

The horseshoe has been around for a long time, since the 16th century. And till this day, it remains one of the most popular symbols in the world. The horseshoe is also commonplace in many jewelry pieces. A few common examples of the horseshoe in jewelry are charms, pendants, earrings, and bracelets.

These jewelry pieces have gained popularity in recent years. Many people wear it because it is supposedly a symbol of protection and good luck. There are many stories, mythical and anecdotal, surrounding the horseshoe symbol. But what exactly is the meaning, and how did it earn its place in jewelry making?

What Does A Horseshoe Symbolize?

There are several stories surrounding the horseshoe. When Faeries were considered evil spirits in the middle ages, people believed the horseshoe could ward them off. They also believed that blacksmiths were lucky, so the horseshoes they made were lucky by extension.

However, the best-known story is the legend of Dustan. Dustan was a 10th-century saint and is the reason the horseshoe is associated with Christianity.

Dustan was a blacksmith, and according to the legend, the devil paid him a visit and asked him to make a horseshoe for his horse. Dunstan made the shoe but nailed it to the devil's foot instead.

To get Dunstan to remove the shoe, the devil promised not to enter a house with a horseshoe nailed to the door. This all happened before Dustan became Archbishop of Canterbury. And since then, the horseshoe has become a symbol of good luck and protection from evil.


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Does Horseshoe Mean Good Luck?

The horseshoe is viewed as a symbol of good luck, but this might not have been the case if it was not linked to the Dustan legend. The horseshoe has no significant meaning, but the Dustan legend has given it a mythical aura. So it has gained significance in different regions and cultures.

Some cultures believe that if you hang a horseshoe on your door, it will keep evil at bay. Some cultures also believe that for the horseshoe to work, it has to be old and in possession of the original owner. New, stolen, or old horseshoes will not work.

Yet, other regions believe purchasing a horseshoe won't bring good luck. You have to find one for it to be potent.

If you have seen a horseshoe on a ship's mast, it's because sea voyagers believe it will help with a quiet and calm voyage.

In all these cultures, the horseshoe is linked to good luck, but many argue that it wouldn't be the case if not for the legend of Dustan.

Is It Bad To Have A Horseshoe Facing Down?

Considering the various myths and superstitions that surround the horseshoe, it is not surprising that people wonder if there is a proper way to wear your horseshoe jewelry.

No factual evidence suggests that having a horseshoe facing down is bad luck. This belief is a superstition that varies from culture to culture.

In some cultures, it is believed that hanging a horseshoe with the open end facing upwards collects and retains good luck. However, in other cultures, the horseshoe is hung with the open end facing downwards to pour good luck onto the people below.

In reality, the position of the horseshoe is not likely to have any impact on a person's luck or fortune. It is important to remember that superstitions are often rooted in folklore and personal beliefs rather than scientific evidence. However, if you are the type to worry about myths, find out what your culture says about wearing the horseshoe and wear yours like that.

Where Should A Lucky Horseshoe Be Placed?

A lucky horseshoe can be placed in various locations, depending on cultural beliefs and personal preferences. However, there are some common traditions for placing horseshoes for good luck:

  • Above a doorway: One common belief is that hanging a horseshoe above a doorway will bring good luck to the home. The horseshoe is typically hung with the open end facing upwards to collect and retain good luck.
  • In a bedroom: Another tradition is to place a horseshoe in the bedroom to promote good dreams and restful sleep. The horseshoe can be placed under a pillow or hung on a bedpost.
  • On a wall: A horseshoe can also be hung on a wall as a decorative item, either alone or as part of a larger display. The horseshoe is typically hung with the open end facing upwards to retain good luck.
  • In a garden: Some people believe burying a horseshoe in the garden will promote healthy plants and good harvests. The horseshoe can also be hung on a fence or trellis as a decorative element.

Is It Good To Keep A Horseshoe At Home?

The belief that horseshoes bring good luck is common in many cultures. In some traditions, it is believed that hanging a horseshoe over a doorway or in a particular location in the home can ward off evil spirits and bring good luck.

However, there is no scientific evidence to support the idea that horseshoes have any supernatural powers or abilities. Therefore, whether or not it is "good" to keep a horseshoe at home depends entirely on personal beliefs and cultural traditions.

If you do choose to keep a horseshoe in your home, it is important to ensure that it is cleaned and properly mounted or hung to avoid any potential safety hazards. Additionally, if you plan to use it as a decorative item, it is always a good idea to ensure that it fits in with your overall home decor and style.

Is It Good To Use A Horseshoe As Jewelry?

Legends and myths aside, the horseshoe makes for very beautiful jewelry pieces. It is a symbol everyone can wear, and though it is tied to Christianity, it is not strictly a Christian symbol.

While the horseshoe might not have a deep philosophical meaning; like the nazar boncugu, it is a symbol that instills hope and a feeling of luck in people who wear them. And what is life without a little bit of hope and luck?

And if you do not believe the horseshoe will bring you luck, you can still wear it because it is a stylish piece of jewelry that is not difficult to style.


The horseshoe has been gaining popularity in recent years, mainly as a source of good luck and protection from evil. It is also quite commonplace in jewelry pieces. While we cannot clearly say that the stories are true, we can't say for sure that they are false too.

What we do know is there are cultural anecdotes and stories that lend a feeling of credibility to the horseshoe. And even if they are not true, you do not lose anything by getting a horseshoe jewelry piece because it is a great addition to your collection.

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